Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Prediction is definitely immiscible to accuracy. Only one thing can act as an emulsifier for the two to meet at the same point---an undying hope.
Human, five years ago, fearfully yet with great confidence enumerated how the world would end. One is the worldwide diffusion of lethal biological particles that would sculpt humans to become walking dead. Another is the swift whipping of flares of the hot massive sun that will completely combust every tiny dust around the globe turning them to absolute ash. It was eight years ago when people expectantly anticipated the end of Mayan calendar. December 21, 2012. Scientist theorized it might be also the world’s end. But as the date passed, people in the field of science considered it only as one of the historical phenomena in the cosmos for it was the time when sun would align with the center of the universe.
All of those were just mere predictions about the conclusion of world’s existence brought by humans’ curiosity about death and nothingness. It is somewhat stupid to think of those statements in the midst of waiting for the ending. I could not help but to laugh about the fact that in spite of the differences, still, there is tiny but full of impact similarity among them---the result.
And now, we,  the so-called “Leftovers”, who survived from the incessant biting of cold and continuously heating up ourselves with our will to be preserved  for almost five years since the Worldwide Freezing transpired, are still patiently waiting until the final stage when Earth will enter on its hibernation.
Here in the place we call “Winteria”, a place where Leftovers can only live because everywhere in the globe is beyond tolerable due to thick housing of ice, everyone is warm to each other. Being cold will intensify the loneliness of waiting.
We, everyone of us, already admitted where we would be going when the Earth is about to sleep. All we could do about is to jest about it.
“What do you think will happen when Fermi level comes?” Calvin, my Canadian friend, asked. Fermi level is the word we coined for “end”. Because according to Prof. Charles, one of the Leftovers who was a Chemist before, this is the coldest state when no one, even atom, can move an inch because of tremendous coldness.

“I guess we will become fuels for the flying cars of the new civilization.”
“Are you talking about reincarnation?”
“Nope. I’m talking about science.”

Winteria, the supposedly kingdom of heaven, which we call oppositely as the “warmth hub”, is the only place in the world at present that is iceless. It had provided the most important thing we need to partially survive---warmth. Victuals are sufficiently enough. No problem with that.

With its area that could accommodate hundreds of thousand people during its golden age as one of the famous stadium in the world, a once home of utmost cheers of fans supporting  their much-loved soccer teams, I inversely felt overcrowded inside me seeing only hundreds of people roaming around with this nearly unrecognized stadium just to kill their boredom, and thinking when will be the total coldness come putting everyone into indefinite time of preservation.

As I sit in once most privileged front seats of this sports arena with Calvin, in the middle of the pitch,

“Hey! You, two!” the girl pointed at us. “Come on! Enough of sentimentalities and let’s play!” It was Casey. One of the persons who fades my boredom away. She clutched a soccer ball in her waist with her hand. All of her girl companions stopped to invite us also. Calvin and I playfully stared to each other. Then, shrugged followed by an outrageous running to the group of women who called us.

As we reached the middle pitch,
“Whom I team up with?” Calvin asked like a drooling dog waiting for his food.

All the girls smiled with my friend’s obvious pervert action.

“You join our team,” Casey pulled Calvin on their group. “ And this Mr. Messi... “ looking at me “...will be with Zoe’s”

“What’s the catch?” I asked, directly looking on Casey’s hypnotizing blue eyes.
“If you’ll lose, I’ll kick your balls.” Calvin muttered.
“And if we’ll win?”
“So, there’s no ball kicking.”
“Sounds fair.” I switched my glare to Calvin to appear more sarcastic

With only ten of us, the twenty meter long and eight meter wide space which is the only good playing spot left from this vast wrecked pitch, the game would like be, still, a normal one.

After Zoe tossed the coin favoring us to do the kick-off, Jenny, one of my teammates, back-heeled the ball passing it to me as she saw the other team approaching. The familiar ball touched my dominant right foot as I received Jenny’s skilful pass.

As Calvin swiftly dashed to get near to me, I calculatedly tipped the center of the ball. Letting it through between my friend’s strode legs. I  propelled my foot racing  on his left side to pass through and meet the ball behind Calvin where I intended to set it.

Before he could recover from my tricky move, I drove the ball forward facing two opponents as they blocked my way to goal line. Casey on my left. Cautiously predicting my next move. On my right, Joss readied herself to tackle the ball from me. Before they could execute their strategy, I turned my back from them seeing my teammate who followed my trail waiting for a pass.

On my back, I felt the two girls made their chase to the ball as I faked-pass the ball. They took the bait and my plan worked. Before they could realized what I was about to do, the ball was already passed through them as I back-heeled it, and I glided for a swift pursuit of the ball overcoming Casey’s and Joss’s defensive blockage.

Only eight meters from the goal line, I positioned myself to take my perfect shooting stance raising my right foot backward. Slightly slanted my body to intensify the force that would hit the ball to give it a lightning speed on its travel toward the goal. As my foot touched the ball, an extreme contentment reigned on me. The greatest feeling I’ve ever felt.

Shocked by the tremendous quickness of what was happened, everyone was silent while the ball gave a swish sound as it touched the goal’s net. Without a second, the uproar of celebration from my team colonized the entire stadium. Throwing back what was this pitch used to witness.

“Good job captain.” my teammates praised.
“That was nice.” Casey complimented. Joining us in our celebration.
“Thank you.” I smiled while looking at her. The glowing of his blonde hair petrified me. Seeing her pinkish lips warmed my long time frozen body.

Before the next kick-off tipped, everyone of us felt a same sensation. A sensation that we have been waiting to corner us. And as we felt the cold bit stronger than before signalling that the complete preparation of Earth’s bedtime had finished,

“Let’s continue this next time.” Casey said.
“Yeah, next time.” I contentedly smiled.

As I looked, for the last time, my co-Leftovers’ relaxed faces, facing the cold reality was become easier for me.

As the total coldness consumed the globe, the Earth’s hibernation had begun. . .

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